Shelsley Walsh Speed Hillclimb

Having missed this year’s pilgrimage to the National Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh due to a house move, I was determined to get myself to another overnight club meeting this summer. Silverstone was out due to holidays so when the Speed Series 21st anniversary event at Shelsley Walsh was posted on the form I jumped at the chance. An added benefit of attending the day and evening meal was the chance to drive the classic hill climb route!

I headed to Shelsley on the Friday evening with the car packed with camping gear and helmet. Shelsley is an easy 40 mile drive from Shropshire and I arrived in plenty of time to unpack, prep the car (i.e. throw everything not riveted down into the tent) and walk the track. The club had the use of the historic paddock area for the weekend too

Driver sign on and briefing was first thing Saturday so we were all up early. I don’t think I was the only one feeling excited but also slightly anxious – the unforgiving sleeper wall at ‘Bottom S’ was mentioned several times. Sensibly the day was being run as an untimed, non-competitive friendly event and there was no pressure to perform. So with the briefing over, route walked and organiser Graham’s words of wisdom absorbed, we all started to line up for the first runs of the day.

Any pre run nerves I had queueing up for my first run evaporated some 45 seconds later when I reached the top – fantastic. I took it fairly easy and just enjoyed the run. Sitting at the top waiting to roll back down, everyone was itching for another go. Luckily, apart from an hour for lunch, we had the use of the hill all day and could complete as many runs as time would allow. The result was what understand to be a record number of runs in a single day (407) and all without incident. I managed a comfortable 9 runs with several breaks to allow the car any myself to cool down.

My best run to f the day – around 42 seconds.

The day was nicely rounded off with a great meal and some presentations to Speed Series competitors past & present. Thanks to all involved in organising and running the event. Where are we going next year?