Another new home

Since we moved into a house in town, with no garage, I’ve been keeping the car in a rented storage container whilst on the waiting list for a housing association garage. Garages in Shrewsbury seem to be a prime resource as everyone I have seen advertised via estate agents was snapped up immediately and I never had a chance. Similarly the wait for a rental one has been over 6 months. Although not as big, the rental garage will be a third of the cost of the container rental and its close to the house too. 

I picked up the keys yesterday and have spend the morning sweeping it out and fitting some more secure locks. I then moved a load of tools over and put up some new shelves.  The plan is to move car over next weekend if the weather is good. I can then start taking it to bits to do some of the work I had planned. 

A Redundant Experience

With the ongoing threat of redundancies within my employer (thankfully I am currently ‘safe’) its intersting to see how it affects people. This blog is by someone in the WSCC who has recently been made redundant and is in the early stages of adopting to this situation and planning how to move forward and deal with it.

We often joke about how we dislike our jobs and wish we could do somehting more fulfilling, but the reality of being made umployed with no control is not as appealing as many may imagine or joke about.

So, a couple of days into my new jobseeker lifestyle and some productive stuff and things have been accomplished. For one, I have consumed what is sure to be an unhealthy amount of tea; English breakfast naturally. Other than that some hours have been spent updating my CV and writing a couple of variations based […]

via Tea total? 45. — A Redundant Experience